Future Fest is a celebration of media designs created by academics and students from five Norwegian universities, and it will take place on August 17th during the NordMedia conference.
Read this detailed presentation of the prototypes and the designers behind them.
The daughter of all demos
In 1968 Douglas Engelbart demonstrated a prototype of a new type of personal computer, and it has later been dubbed "The Mother of All Demos". We aim to give you the daughter of all demos!
How often do do you get to test thirteen technical solutions for how immersive media should be applied? Academics and students from five Norwegian universities are ready to show you their original solutions for good media in the future. You are welcome to test all thirteen of them, and discuss their features with the designers and among yourselves.
The Bergen school
For several decades, a heterogeneous school of media designers has been active at the universities of Bergen, Oslo, and other higher education institutions in Norway. When Media City Bergen was established in 2017, it finally got a home.
Here, scholars from media studies, information science, and interaction design collaborate in several forms. We explore design and innovation projects that might succeed in creating responsible new media technology in our societies in the future.
Read Lars Nyre's article Future Shock! What Should Media Scholars Do? published by the NordMedia Network.